
IPM CNC turret punch press safe operating procedures different

1 operator must undergo specialized training, punch the strict examination and certification, postoperative, all of those other staff doesn't permit the operation.
2 punch computer floppy disk should be dedicated disk,
3 Fixed parameters don't need to be modified

4 machine started to softly evaluate the screen information, for example warnings, punch immediately investigate cause, cannot be excluded later on plans
5 punch safety inspection equipment, work can have no debris
6 machine work, to softly look into the program, punch to determine if the corresponding quantity of stations and dying
7 installation and substitute of mold position should be correct, press mold position and direction should be consistent, and strengthen. No debris around the left side from the turret
8 from the device operation, punch can't remain in the table one punch quotes, don't select the object
9, the work surface clamping parts punch quest guide, to avoid injuries threaten the prison. Processing should be consistent.
10 Strict equipment overload operation
11 punch within the specified time inspection and lubricating oil lube points
12 punch is an essential point at the same time from the equipment should be carefully read prior to the relevant procedures punch quest android.

